Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Why is it so hard to keep good momentum going? It is so easy to slow down, or even just come to a halt.

Two weekends ago I went to a conference for my home sales biz, and was so completely motivated - this is my year, I'm going to do BIG things! Came home inspired and ready to jump in with two feet. Set my sights on my goal of building a team and promoting to leadership! (and just to clarify, this really is not an unattainable goal at all)

I decided I CAN do this. I CAN achieve my goals. I WILL do it!

Then I got a small ailment, which required a call and visit with the doctor ... and yup, he is sending me for testing. Fabulous! Now I am stuck focusing on my ailment and what the testing is going to reveal. There just went my focus on my goal ... right out the window!

Oh, and all of that party planning I was talking about in the last post, yeah, that's all still going on too. Which I sat down last night to address the invites, and realized the guest list is 98, not including the 4 in our little family, and the hall max occupancy is 100 ... ugh! I figure there will probably be a few that won't show, right? Or maybe, the firemen won't realize we are over capacity, in the event that everyone does show???? But, yes, I now have to work on the actual details of the gala event. Add this to the momentum slow down.

And then this stinkin' weather! We have been getting snow pretty much once a week since before Christmas, and it seriously cramping my style of getting out of the house. So I am so completely stuck in this house, which is not helping my mood, inspiration, motivation, or anything else for that matter.

Back to the original task ... I met with my inspirational leader the other day to brainstorm a game plan. It is a great game plan! I just need a swift kick in the arse to get me going on it. That great momentum I started with two weekends ago is almost completely halted at this point. I know I need to get moving on the game plan, and once I see positive results the momentum will kick back up, but finding the energy to jump start it right now is hard when there are molehills to climb that look like huge mountains at my speed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Arranging, Rearranging, and Confirming

I'm beginning to think you need a degree in event planning and time management to be a mom.

This after it taking almost a month to arrange a confirmed date for our biggest bash yet (well, other than our wedding). In an effort to try to preserve some sanity and money, we have combined P1's 2nd Birthday Party with P2's Baptism. We figured it would be most of the same people invited for both events, so why not just do it all at once? Did I mention I was trying to preserve some sanity in doing this ... wrong! The first constraint was trying to coordinate it all as close to P1's birthday as possible - give or take a weekend or two. Well, that was no small feat considering the hall that we love (and that happens to be giving us an awesomely awesome deal) is the hall that apparently everyone else in our area loves too, and also that the deacon at our church who schedules all of the baptisms goes on frequent vacations, especially near the holiday season. So many many many calls back and forth, and dates and times being rearranged numerous times, and we finally have a confirmed date with both the church and the hall! Hubby is going to put the deposit on Monday, but we have been told that we are "in the book". Now I just have get the invites out, plan the menu, recruit family members for making parts of said menu, figure out & purchase decorations, order cakes, make favors, figure out & purchase any necessary outfits for events, etc ....

I thought being a stay-at-home-mom would make it easy to arrange these things ... well not when you feel like you are always on the go with one kid or the other - did I mention they are both under 2 still? P2, at 2 months old, has had the normal rounds of weight checks and well visits with the pediatrician, with extra trips for bloody spitup, stool sample drop-offs, and bloodwork added in (reflux was the apparent culprit, and is under much better control now thankfully). And P1 has her own schedule of visiting therapists and outpatient PT and hopefully soon outpatient Speech Therapy. And we are trying to get back with our much loved and awesomely wonderful weekly playgroup who we haven't seen since before P2's arrival - it's probably been about 12 weeks now - oh my, she needs to see her friends for a playdate now! All of this is certainly keeping me on my toes.

Oh and wait, I have things for me too ... well not much, but that's how it is as a mom right, not much is for you really, right? Trying to get back in to the swing with my home-based party biz means I need to go away overnight this weekend for a training conference, and yes help for hubby has been arranged to limit the double teaming by the Princesses resulting in complete anarchy (yes, by the 2 princesses that under 2). And I also have to figure out how to arrange some time when I can market myself and network better to actually build my biz up. Oh and the actual business part of it too, where I sell stuff and make money - yeah, that has to be arranged into our schedules too.

Did I mention that my wonderful little princesses got me a gift card for Christmas to get an hour massage and a haircut? When the heck am I supposed to schedule that in to the madness? That massage is definitely calling my name right now too. Thankfully the gift came with childcare already arranged - that was the part of the gift from my wonderful hubby - he will be watching them for me. I'm thinking I should call and confirm a date for that now, before something else takes over my time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting Somewhere

This is it. I am officially entering the world of blogging.
Woo Hoo for me!

I have so many thoughts and directions to go with this blogging thing ... which is why I am actually doing it. With two little princesses under 2 years old under my feet, I need another thing on my plate like I need another diaper bag or stroller to add to my collection (and for the record, those totals are already 6 and 4 respectively - for only 2 kids!). But here I am typing away. I am hoping that all of this typing will actually help me organize my thoughts. I have so many things I want to do and dream to do, and such a wonderful and loving and super supportive husband by my side who never tells me no, that sometimes its hard to know where to draw the line.

Just a sampling of the hopes and dreams and wishes and to-do's list ...
go back to school for occupational therapy, write a book about this crazy life my kids lead, learn sign language (more than the few baby-signs we use around here already), build my at-home business, travel the country, buy a shore house, jump out of a plane, have another kid maybe, become better organized, get the hubby back in school for his masters degree, and of course be the bestest mommy in the world ............
All while maintaining the house, making sure dinner is on the table every night, and that we all have clean underwear every day (having 2 in diapers makes that last one a bit easier than the first two).

And now back to my regularly scheduled program ... P2 is wiggling away next to me on the couch, and it sounds as if P1 is waking from naptime, the dryer just buzzed with more clothes to fold, and dinner ... hmmm, what's for dinner?