Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lots to do & Lots of changes

We, here in our little abode, are currently kicking off a huge mess of calendar scheduling chaos.  I will be happy to be standing at the end of these two weeks.  I will be surprised to see all of the changes that come about as a result of these two weeks too.

We are looking at Bugger's annual visit to the Trisomy 21 Center at the local Children's hospital for an evaluation with the developmental pediatrician and recommendations, a tour of the preschool that Bugger may be starting at next month (as part of a special 2-1/2 year old program in the 3 year old program), discharge from outpatient speech for Bugger (which this momma is none too happy about), mixed in with some doctor appts for momma and poppa bear, and a weekend full of my home party biz. And don't forget the normal mix of therapies on the schedule.

Thankfully the light at the end of it all is our annual Buddy Walk, which we are super excited for! We walk with the other families from our playgroup to support one another. Our team is kicking butt this year in raising funds - it just makes me smile to see how much people just want to help a good cause.  The Buddy Walk that we participate in benefits that same Trisomy 21 Center I mentioned above, and the great research they do and care they provide to children with Downs.

I will try to check in during all the chaos when I can, but can't promise anything at this point.  I will definitely report back with details as soon as my brain has recovered from it all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tough Day Filled With Love

I intended this blog to be a little journal, or record of our little family's events, but this once I need to write about a dear friend. 

About a week and a half ago I was sitting down late one night after Hubby's family had just left from a birthday bbq we had, and I saw an email from this wonderful friend. It was not at all what I expected.  It was an email stating her son was just diagnosed with Leukemia.  Her wonderfully awesome 6 year old son, who made great strides in dealing with Aspergers last year in kindergarten, and was a completely different little boy this year that was looking forward to starting the 1st grade.  My jaw dropped.  And so did my heart.

No one ever wants to hear of a child having to go through the pain and struggles of cancer ... or any illness for that matter.  As a mom it hits very hard. As a friend to this little boy's mom it hit even harder. 

My Bugger is in a playgroup with this little boy's younger brother - who also happens to have DS, as do 5 out of 6 kids in our playgroup. We have been to this family's annual pigroast, and to the zoo and aquarium with them, and of course over each others homes for many playgroup dates.

I have seen this little man blossom and change with my own eyes.  It was amazing!

I continued to await email updates from my friend nightly on her little man's condition and to hear what the doctors planned to do to help him.  I knew it was serious, but I knew this was a strong and God-loving family, and that in the end, this would just be a memory.

Three days later I received the call I was dreading. My friend called to let me know he had lost the battle earlier that day. I had no idea what to say to her in that moment.  I just wanted to reach through the phone and squeeze her.

My heart aches for her and for the entire family.  They are such good people.  They teach all three of their children how good it is to give.  And how to be loving.  And to be accepting of everyone.  They teach the life lessons that many young kids today seem to miss out on for one reason or another.  They, as a family, are just wonderful in so many ways.

Today was the funeral.  It was rough.  But to see the church so full made me feel good  - this family will figure out how to move forward with love and support of all of those people. All of their family and friends will be there to help them keep this little boy's memory alive, to help them find the light on the dark days.

I can't even begin to imagine how my friend and her husband feel at this moment.  This is a pain that no parent should ever know. It has made me make sure I give Bugger and Zilla more hugs and squeezes. And say I Love You more to them and to the Hubby.

I apologize to any who is reading this for the sad tone, but I needed to share this.  I am learning to try not to take people and things for granted, and I hope I can share that with you.

To my friend - you are a wonderful and strong and loving and caring and awesome woman, friend, and mother.  Please remember that, and don't ever change that.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Season 2, Episode 1

Ya know when you are waiting for you favorite show to come back on after months of being forced to sit through horrible tv selections?  Yeah, I would like to think that is where we are at in my little corner of the world of blogging.

It's been a while.

A lot has gone on.

Time to regroup.

And by regroup, I mean make some changes ... i.e. try not to be so boring.

First thing, I would like to change my kiddos' names.
Not for real, but here in blogland.  I love their names and would never really change them ... besides, I think the hubs might have an issue if I did that.
For now on P1 will be Bugger, and P2 will be Zilla.
Yes, they may be strange names, but they are better than numbers I think.

So it is September, and summer is over.  It was a good summer.  We managed to get away some, which I really enjoyed.  Jersey shore for a week was awesome and relaxing, Smithville for a day was fun, and Myrtle Beach for a long weekend was too short.

But the end of summer means fun things ahead.

Bugger is 2-1/2 now (31 months actually), and we are begining to think about her 3 year old transfer from Early Intervention to Preschool and inclusion vs self-contained and if the district will evaluate her for her best interest and needs or for their own financial interest.  We shall see.  And the hubby and I are ready to advocate for her and demand whatever she needs.
We have an opportunity to get her in to an inclusion preschool program now.  I am excited to see how she does, and what this will mean for the 3 year old transition process. We are not "in" yet, but almost.  We have go for the tour and see how she and the school fit together, and then update her IFSP.  She will be going 2 days/week 9-11:30.  It's going to be strange sending my baby off to school!   But I am sure she is going to love it and do just fine.

Zilla is 10 months old now.  We're getting so close to her big birthday bash.  I am still in denial that this time has just flown by. She's getting around, and in to so much lately.  She can get anywhere she wants by either crawling or cruising the furniture, and she looks like she wants to just take off, which makes me super nervous! She is just amazing and tries to be so independent already.

I am going crazy with all the things I am involved with right now.  I am on the committee with our local Down Syndrome group for the annual fundraiser.  And of course it wouldn't be enough just to be on the committee, I am handling the ads for the program book.  And then we have our local Buddy Walk coming up on Oct 2nd.  We have formed a team to walk with Bugger's playgroup families.  I am currently in the process of tracking down shirt sizes for all of our walkers to make sure we get them in time for the walk. My home party biz is getting ready to take back off for the holiday season which means lots of craft/vendor fairs coming up as well as parties.  And the hubby and I are in the process of figuring out the massive remodels we need to do to make our house more functional for all of us.
Fun Fun!

So, we are back ... and I am making a promise to keep things more up to date ... as long as Bugger and Zilla allow me the time and fingers to type.