Thursday, December 8, 2011


Ever feel like you just keep going in circles? 
That would be my daily life.

Bugger is still sick.  Thank you preschool classmates!  She's well over a month now with cold symptoms.  Add to it a confirmed ear infection and we finally score some antibiotics!  While I understand a cold is viral and not treatable with antibiotics, I still hope the meds will help at least a little to kill the germs.
Then this week, she just felt the need to keep her momma on her toes, and showed up with a full torso rash.
"Awesome!" I say Tuesday night as I undress her for her bath.
She looks like she has sunburn covering her back, chest and abdomen.
Call the ped.  Probably a reaction to the antibiotic, and it can wait til the morning to be checked since it is not affecting her breathing.
Morning comes, and off to the ped.  Nope not a reaction to the antibiotic.  Looks like contact irritation, but we can't pinpoint anything different that has rubbed her torso.
Second ped comes in to consult ... and they go out of the room to discuss.
The answer ... "we have no idea", but there is definitely petechiae, so ... off to the hospital to get bloodwork stat.  In the recent months I have learned how children with Downs have a higher risk of ALL and AML leukemias, so there went my worst-case-scenario thought process.
Thankfully, all of Bugger's bloodwork came back normal!  Woo Hoo!
Still don't know what caused the rash, but at least we know its not that worst-case-scenario.  Treating with Benadryl for now, which was quite interesting last night watching her cope with the woozy and sleepy feeling of the Benadryl.
On the plus, she is still up and wanting to walk EVERYwhere.  I love it.  It was especially fun on her first visit to the dentist and she wanted to walk in every single exam room and office on our way out.

Zilla is really looking up to her big sister and wanting to copy everything she does.  Yup, Zilla is sniffling away with her own cold symptoms that her big sis shared with her.  AND she is toddling around the house like she owns the place ... mostly to follow her big sis wherever she goes.  Just hoping and praying that she doesn't decide that a body rash is the new "cool thing to do"!

And you guessed it, the one who spends her day wiping noses, has caught it too.  At this point I have had a cold, then laryngitis, and I think now I am on to the sinus infection.  Antibiotics are at the drug store just waiting to be picked up.  Oh how I love me some antibiotics!

So the holiday hecticness is in full swing.  Lots of things to accomplish over the next couple of weeks, and all of the sick germs in this house are really cramping getting it all done.  Right now I am mostly worrying about the red noses and faces of the two littles for their Christmas pics this weekend, oh and the bruise on Bugger's face from falling on the playground. Oh the joys!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Take that!

Today was was one of those days that just makes a momma want to cry.

Zilla had a fabulous 1 year well visit.  Her pediatrician said she was doing great all around.  And I sat there beaming my proud momma smile.
She needs to work on gaining some more weight, which we will work on, but she is just so darn active that she burns everything off too fast.  We'll see what the next couple of months bring.
But good reports otherwise!

And then the even bigger proud momma moment came ...
Bugger played in the leaves and grass in our backyard and got up and started walking all over the place on her own!
To most parents of an almost-3-year old, this would be nothing, but in our house this is huge!
She tends to hate most things having to do with outside ... grass, leaves, sand, swings, slides, etc.
She also has had a huge struggle with gross-motor skills - I would say it has been her biggest challenge overall.  And as of late, she tends to like to walk around our living room in the evening hours mostly.  And will only walk in a different environment if it is to myself her father.
So for her to enjoy the grass and leaves was the first big smile I had.
Then to watch her get up and start walking all over the place on her own with her proud smile plastered across her face ... I could have just melted.

So I know I never share pics, and this one is blurry from my phone, but I just have to share my proud momma moment ...

So I say "Take That" to that Special Needs Monster that likes to get me down.  NOT Today!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hey germs ... begone with you

We are generally a pretty healthy house.
Well, not this week.

All 4 of us are now suffereing from some form of a cold or sinus infection or throat infection or ... something gross.

Started with Bugger last week.  Took her to the docs and was told it was a run of the mil cold, and nothing to be done.  I know I am over-reactive parent to take her 1 day in to the sniffles and eye gunk, but I am super paranoid when it comes to her.  Children with Down Syndrome tend to have smaller sinus passages and flatter ear canals which makes drainage super hard, and also the low muscle tone effects EVERY muscle, including the lungs.  So with this knowledge, in my mind, every sniffle turns to pneumonia.  Bugger has 3 ear infections and 1 sinus infection ever, so she is not prone to the nasty ickus, but I still panic anyway.
Almost a week later, and still fighting it.  No fevers, and only irritable first thing in the morning generally or at bedtime, so we just keep up with the tylenol and wiping of the nose and hope these germs pass quickly.

Zilla started a few days later.  She has caught a far less severe version of this bug from what we can tell, but still some congestion and cough and irritability.  And did I mention the 4 molars she is cutting at the moment too?  Poor kid.  Thank the heavens for tylenol!

Hubby and I both have some forms of this as well.  His is in his sinuses and causing horrible sinus pressure headaches.  My version seems to have landed in my throat. Oh the joys of fire throat that is so swollen it hurts to swallow anything at all.

These germs can leave now.

And of course the best thing to get rid of these germs, rest, was little to be found in this house this weekend.  We had the final 2 of the 1st Birthday parties for Zilla this weekend.  I am so thankful and grateful for all that our families do for us and our kids and how much they want to spoil my kiddos.  We are truly blessed.  I just wish we had all been in better spirits and health to enjoy it all a little bit more.  Zilla chowed down on cake every chance she got, and loved every bit of it, but she also dipped out of every party a little early to seek out her comfy bed.

So today ... we rest!
Well three of us anyway.  Hubby needed to make the donuts this morning, so we sent him out of the germ infested house.  Us girls are staying in our pj's.  Bugger is staying home from school one more day, and therapy has been cancelled. Now if all of us could nap at the same time it would just be pure heaven!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bring On the Steak (and the sleep)

I am constantly reminded how different my girls are from one another.
They are 21 months apart and best friends already, but they could not be more different.

Bugger is fair-skinned and light haired like her Irish momma.
Zilla is olive-skinned and dark haired like her Italian poppa.

Bugger is petite and generally on the small end of the growth charts.
Zilla, however generally hits the 80-90 percentiles on the same growth charts.
They are currently only 1 size apart in clothes (18m & 12m), and strangers mistake them for twins all the time.

Bugger is super cautious.
Zilla is a dare-devil.

Bugger is very laid-back.
Zilla is rowdy and rambunctious.

And now the latest ... their pain tolerance.
Bugger has most of her teeth now, and most have come with very little disturbance.
Zilla has made us aware of every moment that she is teething.  She has her 4 fronts on the top and bottom, and is now working on ALL 4 of her 1-year old molars at the same time.  Oh the joy.  Every 4 hours she lets us know its time for more tylenol.  I can not wait for them to finish coming through so we can all sleep through the night again.
She was a trooper through the first of her birthday parties this past weekend.  I hope she can muster through it this weekend again for parties # 2 & 3.

For now we all need to partake in naptime to make up for what we are missing at nigh.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Return of the Blogger

Why do I feel like I am always returning from a lapse in blogging?
Probably because I am.
I am not good at making time to blog.
I should fix that.
Will add it to the list of things to work on ... for now, here's the updates ....

Bugger is blossoming like crazy!
She did well at her T21 Clinic annual visit.  The recommendations from the developmental pediatrician were a little easier to swallow this year than last.  We were all pretty much on the same page for the most part this year with where Bugger's development is, and she was happy to hear what we are working on and also about the 2-1/2 year old preschool program.  I voiced some concerns over sensory issues ... she feels my little Bugger may be slightly more sensitive than her peers, but didn't seem to think it was of huge concern at this point.  She however did remark on Bugger's self-directed playing, which I though was a good thing, but apparently we need to work on directed play more.
Bugger has also started a preschool program through Early Intervention.  She goes 2 mornings every week, and it takes the place of the Developmental Therapy in the home. She's in an inclusion 2 year old room. It is great for her, since she obviously does not have older siblings and this gives her the environment with peers to model after and play with and learn from.  We are 3 weeks in, and she is doing great.  She plays on the playground, which she hated prior to this.  She is even more chatty than before, and is always singing new songs ... I just wish I knew what she was singing!
And the inclusion preschool program leads in to our next hurdle ... the transition from EI to preschool through our public school system.
We are a couple weeks in to the process of transition, and I have learned more acronyms than I thought I could process, and am starting to wonder if we are sending our little girl to preschool or college!  There will be more to follow on this topic as we navigate our way through this process.

Zilla is doing her own form of blossoming too.
She, on a daily basis, makes it a goal to destroy everything in her path.
She is this close to taking steps. She will take 2-3 controlled steps between myself and her father right now, but we are convinced that she will wake up next week on her 1st birthday and will be a walker.
This little one has definitely been an eye opener for me to show me just how laid back and easy going her big sister was/is.

So in my last past I noted that the Buddy Walk was my light at the end of the tunnel.  The Buddy Walk was October 2nd, and things here have not calmed down in the least bit, and I see no calm happening until about January or so.  Speaking of the Buddy Walk ... our team had a GREAT time this year ... we had about 55 people walk as a team this year, and raised over $15,000 for research at CHOP's T21 Center.
Since then, I also pulled off a small surprise party for the hubby too ... we celebrated his 30th a month early with close family and friends.
Things are going great, hectic, but great. 
This weekend will be celebrating Zilla's 1st birthday for the 1st of 4 celebrations.
And I am not making any vows to make sure I check back again soon, since we know how my track record with this thing goes.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lots to do & Lots of changes

We, here in our little abode, are currently kicking off a huge mess of calendar scheduling chaos.  I will be happy to be standing at the end of these two weeks.  I will be surprised to see all of the changes that come about as a result of these two weeks too.

We are looking at Bugger's annual visit to the Trisomy 21 Center at the local Children's hospital for an evaluation with the developmental pediatrician and recommendations, a tour of the preschool that Bugger may be starting at next month (as part of a special 2-1/2 year old program in the 3 year old program), discharge from outpatient speech for Bugger (which this momma is none too happy about), mixed in with some doctor appts for momma and poppa bear, and a weekend full of my home party biz. And don't forget the normal mix of therapies on the schedule.

Thankfully the light at the end of it all is our annual Buddy Walk, which we are super excited for! We walk with the other families from our playgroup to support one another. Our team is kicking butt this year in raising funds - it just makes me smile to see how much people just want to help a good cause.  The Buddy Walk that we participate in benefits that same Trisomy 21 Center I mentioned above, and the great research they do and care they provide to children with Downs.

I will try to check in during all the chaos when I can, but can't promise anything at this point.  I will definitely report back with details as soon as my brain has recovered from it all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tough Day Filled With Love

I intended this blog to be a little journal, or record of our little family's events, but this once I need to write about a dear friend. 

About a week and a half ago I was sitting down late one night after Hubby's family had just left from a birthday bbq we had, and I saw an email from this wonderful friend. It was not at all what I expected.  It was an email stating her son was just diagnosed with Leukemia.  Her wonderfully awesome 6 year old son, who made great strides in dealing with Aspergers last year in kindergarten, and was a completely different little boy this year that was looking forward to starting the 1st grade.  My jaw dropped.  And so did my heart.

No one ever wants to hear of a child having to go through the pain and struggles of cancer ... or any illness for that matter.  As a mom it hits very hard. As a friend to this little boy's mom it hit even harder. 

My Bugger is in a playgroup with this little boy's younger brother - who also happens to have DS, as do 5 out of 6 kids in our playgroup. We have been to this family's annual pigroast, and to the zoo and aquarium with them, and of course over each others homes for many playgroup dates.

I have seen this little man blossom and change with my own eyes.  It was amazing!

I continued to await email updates from my friend nightly on her little man's condition and to hear what the doctors planned to do to help him.  I knew it was serious, but I knew this was a strong and God-loving family, and that in the end, this would just be a memory.

Three days later I received the call I was dreading. My friend called to let me know he had lost the battle earlier that day. I had no idea what to say to her in that moment.  I just wanted to reach through the phone and squeeze her.

My heart aches for her and for the entire family.  They are such good people.  They teach all three of their children how good it is to give.  And how to be loving.  And to be accepting of everyone.  They teach the life lessons that many young kids today seem to miss out on for one reason or another.  They, as a family, are just wonderful in so many ways.

Today was the funeral.  It was rough.  But to see the church so full made me feel good  - this family will figure out how to move forward with love and support of all of those people. All of their family and friends will be there to help them keep this little boy's memory alive, to help them find the light on the dark days.

I can't even begin to imagine how my friend and her husband feel at this moment.  This is a pain that no parent should ever know. It has made me make sure I give Bugger and Zilla more hugs and squeezes. And say I Love You more to them and to the Hubby.

I apologize to any who is reading this for the sad tone, but I needed to share this.  I am learning to try not to take people and things for granted, and I hope I can share that with you.

To my friend - you are a wonderful and strong and loving and caring and awesome woman, friend, and mother.  Please remember that, and don't ever change that.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Season 2, Episode 1

Ya know when you are waiting for you favorite show to come back on after months of being forced to sit through horrible tv selections?  Yeah, I would like to think that is where we are at in my little corner of the world of blogging.

It's been a while.

A lot has gone on.

Time to regroup.

And by regroup, I mean make some changes ... i.e. try not to be so boring.

First thing, I would like to change my kiddos' names.
Not for real, but here in blogland.  I love their names and would never really change them ... besides, I think the hubs might have an issue if I did that.
For now on P1 will be Bugger, and P2 will be Zilla.
Yes, they may be strange names, but they are better than numbers I think.

So it is September, and summer is over.  It was a good summer.  We managed to get away some, which I really enjoyed.  Jersey shore for a week was awesome and relaxing, Smithville for a day was fun, and Myrtle Beach for a long weekend was too short.

But the end of summer means fun things ahead.

Bugger is 2-1/2 now (31 months actually), and we are begining to think about her 3 year old transfer from Early Intervention to Preschool and inclusion vs self-contained and if the district will evaluate her for her best interest and needs or for their own financial interest.  We shall see.  And the hubby and I are ready to advocate for her and demand whatever she needs.
We have an opportunity to get her in to an inclusion preschool program now.  I am excited to see how she does, and what this will mean for the 3 year old transition process. We are not "in" yet, but almost.  We have go for the tour and see how she and the school fit together, and then update her IFSP.  She will be going 2 days/week 9-11:30.  It's going to be strange sending my baby off to school!   But I am sure she is going to love it and do just fine.

Zilla is 10 months old now.  We're getting so close to her big birthday bash.  I am still in denial that this time has just flown by. She's getting around, and in to so much lately.  She can get anywhere she wants by either crawling or cruising the furniture, and she looks like she wants to just take off, which makes me super nervous! She is just amazing and tries to be so independent already.

I am going crazy with all the things I am involved with right now.  I am on the committee with our local Down Syndrome group for the annual fundraiser.  And of course it wouldn't be enough just to be on the committee, I am handling the ads for the program book.  And then we have our local Buddy Walk coming up on Oct 2nd.  We have formed a team to walk with Bugger's playgroup families.  I am currently in the process of tracking down shirt sizes for all of our walkers to make sure we get them in time for the walk. My home party biz is getting ready to take back off for the holiday season which means lots of craft/vendor fairs coming up as well as parties.  And the hubby and I are in the process of figuring out the massive remodels we need to do to make our house more functional for all of us.
Fun Fun!

So, we are back ... and I am making a promise to keep things more up to date ... as long as Bugger and Zilla allow me the time and fingers to type.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Let me start with "sorry". I am sorry that it has been 6 weeks since my last update. Eeks! Where has the time gone?

I got a new fancy phone a few weeks back, and have stepped in to the current world of technology on-the-go ... which has taken me away from spending quality time with my laptop. So here I am now making a point to open the laptop and backtrack the last few weeks of accomplishments in our house.

Well P1 is growing in to such a grown little person every day! I look at her some days and wonder where the little baby went. She is doing so well with her development milestones latetly, but we continue to struggle with walking. I know that she will do it in her time and when she is confident to do it on her own, but sometimes it is just very challenging ... on both of us.
She is officially pacifier-free! I let her keep it this long only as a self-soothe-to-sleep thing. After chewing through two paci's while cutting a new tooth, I decided she should be done rather than knowingly giving her a choking hazard. Two weeks of nap and bedtime without it and she is doing awesome! Such a big girl! Or as she is saying these days "So buuuuug!".

And my precious P2 is doing massive amounts of growing herself as well. I still can't believe she is on the verge of turning 6 months old! We are 6 months from her 1st birthday (as well as hubby's 30th) ... I better get to planning!
We now have a proficient roller and pivoter and toy grabber. She is definitly showing interest in any and everything her big sis is playing with, and generally the wonderful big sis doesn't mind sharing with the exception of a few of her most favorite toys (and of course they are ones that I would have never guessed as being off limits ones). Big sis also likes to try to help her little sis to roll over whenever it seems she is stuck on her side - this is done by either shoving her or yanking on her shirt to continue the rolling ... such a big helper!
She looks like she is getting ready for commando crawling any day now. She pumps the one leg, and I am just waiting for her to take off.

Things have been crazy and busy around her in general lately, and sometimes I wonder when the ride is going to come to a stop, but then I know I would be bored if this wasn't all on my plate now. Hubby's job has been keeping him super busy, and I am thankful everyday for him and his job, and that they afford me the opportunity to be home with my little princesses. My home party-biz has been taking off lately and keeping my weekends busy which has presented a "fun" balancing act and also giving the hubby a lot of good quality time with his girls. P2 had her annual IFSP meeting a couple weeks ago which went ... okay. I am a little disappointed with some of the level of services we are able to get right now, but hoping the outpatient therapy we are getting for her through our insurance will continue to help bridge the gap. At our IFSP meeting I was handed this large packet of papers that I need to read through before we start the 3 year old transition process to preschool. That process will kickoff in October so she is ready to go in February ... just what I want to be thinking about over the holidays! For now I will think about our upcoming vacations. I am so excited for both our trips this summer. We generally don't vacation, but actually have two trips planned for this summer! One to the shore for a whole week, and the other to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend with my side of the family - I can't wait to capture all of the memories with the princesses!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Awareness, Announcements & Acceptance

Today is 3/21 - World Down Syndrome Day - a day to celebrate all of our wonderfully extraordinary loved ones who were blessed with an extra chromosome. It's also about spreading awareness, and breaking down stereotypes.

Celebrating my little gift of Princess #1, has been the easy part ... it's the spreading awareness that I have struggled with.

I have been very aware of Down Syndrome since as long as I can remember. I had an uncle with Downs who I loved very dearly growing up. I remember being about 7 years old and some boys in the neighborhood called him that horrible "r" word, and I chased them threatening to kick their butts. I learned very early on that the "r" word was a horrible word and a huge insult, and it amazes me how many people still don't understand how degrading that word is. And that brings me to the "awareness" part - people just aren't aware of Downs, and what it truly is.

I want people to know that children with Down Syndrome are not monsters, nor are they ignorantly & blissfully happy all the time, nor are they dumb.
My little Princess is just like everyone else's toddler, it just takes a little longer to teach her body how to move in ways that come naturally for others. She acts just like other 2 year olds - she is picky about her food (throws food that she previously had no problem eating), she is cranky when she's tired, she is happy to get a treat of icecream for dessert, she is excited when she learns something new, she is imaginative and loves to feed us soup she just made in her soup pot with plastic food, she is tired after a long day on the beach, and she loves shopping and the attention she gets from everyone in the store.
Sound like a normal toddler, right?
She just needs a little extra help to figure out how to move her legs to walk and keep her balance at the same time, but I know she is one of the fastest crawlers I have ever seen. And she needs a little extra help to learn how to tell me what she wants, but she can certainly sign very adamantly that she wants to eat, drink, go to sleep, or have her favorite snack - fish ... all of the things that seem important to a toddler!

Now with all of this spouting off and praising of my daughter's skills, I have to admit that it has not always been as easy I am making it sound.

Two years ago when we received confirmation of her positive diagnosis we went through the whole process of getting to a point of acceptance. We have loved her to pieces since day 1, and nothing would ever change that, but we had to come to terms with the reality of her future and ours, (which I don't think we still have fully done 100%) and the struggles that were ahead for all of us. As part of our process, we did not make "announcements" of her diagnosis to everyone because we just didn't want the pity looks. We also were not armed at the time with all of the wonderful info we have now to explain it all to anyone who wasn't all that familiar with Down Syndrome.

So now, here we are 2 years later, and have loved ones who do not know about her diagnosis, unless they have figured it out on their own already. I know the fault lies on us (hubby and me) for not "announcing" it, but it would have been so much easier to have shared back then if there was more understanding and acceptance of Down Syndrome in our society in general.

It days like today - World Down Syndrome Day - that are so important to future parents of children with Down Syndrome, and will hopefully make it easier for them to make the big announcement ... now how can we make this a monthly awareness holiday to really get the awareness and acceptance out there?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Up and Up

I am finally starting to feel like things are looking up! It's wonderful!

Okay, yes, some of that is positive talking to help me see the good side of things ... but I'm getting there.

The quick medical update is that apparently I am FINE. Kidneys are good and clear, and apparently I might just have some muscular strain going on in my lower back. Saw the GI doc and he said all of my labs with him look good other than my Celiac levels - which I knew. I am soooo working on this though! I am really trying to do this again, and eat correctly. He said I need to take better care of myself too - more walking, water and fiber ... so that's the plan. As of this morning I am 2lbs lighter than I was when I started both my pregnancies - woo hoo - and I am hoping the walking, water and fiber will help me keep loosing (35 more until "almost" wedding weight).

So with all of that handled now and I know there is nothing seriously wrong me, I can put that energy I was wasting on to other more productive things ... like the princesses!

The big news is that P1 is finally pulling up to a stand at the couch!!! And she's doing it like a pro! I swear she waits to do things until she knows for sure she can really do them. Just like when she started climbing up the steps ... one day it was 2 steps, the next day it was the full run of 13! She amazes us every day! She will be starting outpatient speech therapy soon, and I can't wait to hear how much more she is going to be telling us!

P2 is growing like a weed. She will be 4 months old tomorrow. We have her 4 month well visit next week, and I am sure she is going to be off the charts with her growth. I think we may be starting cereal soon to help fill her belly up. She's been in her crib in the same room with P1 for about a week now, and doing well with it. Little sad to be thinking about taking the bassinet out of our bedroom, but happy for the hubby and I to have our bedroom back to ourselves again.

Putting this all in writing and recapping the milestones my little princesses are achieving is making me realize just how quickly they really are growing up. I keep thinking about how P1 will be starting preschool next year, and the thought of researching and selecting the right preschool setting for her just seems so overwhelming ... put that is another though for another day.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Sprinkling of Updates

Where to begin? The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind.
Lets see ..

So the Big Bash for P1 & P2 went amazingly well! The baptism for P2 was beautiful ... a little quicker than I remembered from P1's, but still beautiful. The party after was to celebrate P2's Baptism and P1's 2nd Birthday. We had about 60 of our closest friends and family there - well a few were missing due to previous commitments, but were with us in spirit that day. The food was delicious (thanks to all the help from our family members). And our girls were spoiled by everyone - both in the love they felt as they were passed around all day and also in the crazy amounts of gift they received. Oh and I have to give a shoutout to the men in our families, especially my awesome hubby, for doing all of the setup and decorating at the hall - they did an amazing job!!!

The party also played a part in becoming a happy distraction for my family members. We were all dealing with the sad but blessed news that my grandmother had passed Saturday morning (on P1's actual birthday). She was an amazing woman, and will be missed dearly, but she will no longer be suffering as she joins her dear husband once again to dance all around the heavens. We will miss you Grandmom!
The funeral was held on Wednesday. I have a hard time with funerals. Hubby and I firmly believe that kids do not belong at funerals, but we were asked to bring the girls for this one. And from this, I have reconfirmed that my children will not be attending any other funerals until they are much older. Ever try to keep a 2 year old and a 3 month old quiet for almost 2 hours? They were good for the first hour, but that seemed to be their limit. Hubby missed most of the minister's service since he was trying to keep P1 entertained in a back room, and I stood in the doorway, barely able to hear minister since P2 had gotten hungry and fussy. It wasn't exactly the way I wanted to say my good bye's to my Grandmother, and I hope she understands.

Amongst all of this, I've still been dealing with not feeling 100% myself yet. Went for my ultrasound to check for kidney stones on Valentine's evening, and now I have even more to worry about. The good news is that my Left Kidney and Bladder were clear of stones - woo hoo! Now here's the weird part - my Right Kidney showed something, possibly a clump of stones. The weird part is that I had and still do have the achyness and pain on my left side. So cat scan today to check things out. And still awaiting the follow up with the GI next month to see if he has any news for me from his testing. I am so over all of this already!!! Just figure it out docs and let's move on!

I am thankful that in all of the craziness and hecticness (yes, I know I am doing good at making up words on this post), both of my little Princesses are doing wonderful. P1 is really having some great emerging vocabulary and cognitive skills. At 24 months old, her Speech therapist is saying she is at about an 18 month level - AWESOME! Her gross motor skills are still struggling some, but a lot of that has to do with her wanting to sit and observe and grow her brain, and also her confidence level. She's showing continued progress so we are happy with that alone. And P2 is doing amazing - at 15 weeks she is doing pushups with head turning, tracking toys, bringing her hands to mid-line, holding her head pretty steady, and goo-ing up a storm (her little conversations are the cutest). She likes sitting up to see the world around her, but is having a horrible time with it because of her reflux - hopefully the ped will have some recommendations at her next well visit.

Well I'm off now to fill up on fluids before I can't have anything for the 3 hours prior to my test this afternoon. And hopefully get some time in to play with my sales display for my first home party show since having the baby. I love putting it together and palying with the props and display - especially since I will be decorating for Spring and Easter on this yucky rainy day. Keep me in your thoughts tomorrow night as I find the courage and energy to jump back in to my business full force, and that I don't fall flat on my face in doing it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Updates & Shout Outs

So the update since my last post is ... the momentum is G-O-N-E. It has left the building!

I am thinking constantly about my goal that I set for my business, and that is about all that I am doing ... thinking about it. I keep telling myself I need to work it, if I am going to make it happen ... I just can't seem to get to working on it though.

The party is coming together, sort of. It is in less than 2 weeks. I am tracking down rsvp's since they have become optional apparently. The hubby is being a huge help with tracking down and pricing paper goods and supplies, but we have to actually buy most of it this weekend still. And then we have some cooking to do ... which reminds I have to clean out the fridge to make room for it all. Thankfully we are getting help with most of the food from our parents and siblings.

As for my ailments and testing ... I had a wonderful and awesome colonoscopy last Monday (I know you wanted to know that!), which revealed nothing serious - Woo Hoo! I have IBS and Celiac's Disease which I have known for a long time now, and my doctor gave me an earful about how I NEED to be following the Gluten Free diet, so I am now giving it another try. I hated it before and am hoping I will do better this time - especially with help from a far-flung friend who is going Gluten Free for herself and her family as well.
I am still not feeling 100% yet, so another trip to the doctor ... and we are thinking kidney stones for the win! Ultrasound scheduled for Valentine's evening to check things out ... sounds like a fun time, huh?
I can't wait to feel better, and stop letting my body get the best of me. I need to feel better!

Okay enough with my woe-is-me-pity-party now.

My spirits may be down, but I have a lot to be thankful for right now ...
my wonderful hubby, who I am grateful for EVERY day - I couldn't do what I do without him! / my awesome little girls / family - the steps, inlaws, biologicals, and chosen ones (the internet ones and the real ones - you all know who you are!).
I am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to be home every day with my little girls and see them grow up and help them become little women. I may struggle some days, but I know this is all for them!
I am thankful that I will be celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary with the man of my dreams this year. It is crazy how we came to be, but it was just meant to be!
I am thankful for all of the girlfriends that have come in to my life due to this crazy bond of motherhood. I have girlfriends I have never met, but feel I have known for my whole life already. Girlfriends from highschool who I lost and found again. And girlfriends who I will share a lifelong bond with as our little ones grow up together ... and we will still be having mommy playdates long after our kids are in school. I love you all for the strength you have given me,a nd wouldn't trade a single one of you for the world.

So there you have it ... down-in-the-dumps all the way to peace-love-and-happiness all in one post!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Why is it so hard to keep good momentum going? It is so easy to slow down, or even just come to a halt.

Two weekends ago I went to a conference for my home sales biz, and was so completely motivated - this is my year, I'm going to do BIG things! Came home inspired and ready to jump in with two feet. Set my sights on my goal of building a team and promoting to leadership! (and just to clarify, this really is not an unattainable goal at all)

I decided I CAN do this. I CAN achieve my goals. I WILL do it!

Then I got a small ailment, which required a call and visit with the doctor ... and yup, he is sending me for testing. Fabulous! Now I am stuck focusing on my ailment and what the testing is going to reveal. There just went my focus on my goal ... right out the window!

Oh, and all of that party planning I was talking about in the last post, yeah, that's all still going on too. Which I sat down last night to address the invites, and realized the guest list is 98, not including the 4 in our little family, and the hall max occupancy is 100 ... ugh! I figure there will probably be a few that won't show, right? Or maybe, the firemen won't realize we are over capacity, in the event that everyone does show???? But, yes, I now have to work on the actual details of the gala event. Add this to the momentum slow down.

And then this stinkin' weather! We have been getting snow pretty much once a week since before Christmas, and it seriously cramping my style of getting out of the house. So I am so completely stuck in this house, which is not helping my mood, inspiration, motivation, or anything else for that matter.

Back to the original task ... I met with my inspirational leader the other day to brainstorm a game plan. It is a great game plan! I just need a swift kick in the arse to get me going on it. That great momentum I started with two weekends ago is almost completely halted at this point. I know I need to get moving on the game plan, and once I see positive results the momentum will kick back up, but finding the energy to jump start it right now is hard when there are molehills to climb that look like huge mountains at my speed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Arranging, Rearranging, and Confirming

I'm beginning to think you need a degree in event planning and time management to be a mom.

This after it taking almost a month to arrange a confirmed date for our biggest bash yet (well, other than our wedding). In an effort to try to preserve some sanity and money, we have combined P1's 2nd Birthday Party with P2's Baptism. We figured it would be most of the same people invited for both events, so why not just do it all at once? Did I mention I was trying to preserve some sanity in doing this ... wrong! The first constraint was trying to coordinate it all as close to P1's birthday as possible - give or take a weekend or two. Well, that was no small feat considering the hall that we love (and that happens to be giving us an awesomely awesome deal) is the hall that apparently everyone else in our area loves too, and also that the deacon at our church who schedules all of the baptisms goes on frequent vacations, especially near the holiday season. So many many many calls back and forth, and dates and times being rearranged numerous times, and we finally have a confirmed date with both the church and the hall! Hubby is going to put the deposit on Monday, but we have been told that we are "in the book". Now I just have get the invites out, plan the menu, recruit family members for making parts of said menu, figure out & purchase decorations, order cakes, make favors, figure out & purchase any necessary outfits for events, etc ....

I thought being a stay-at-home-mom would make it easy to arrange these things ... well not when you feel like you are always on the go with one kid or the other - did I mention they are both under 2 still? P2, at 2 months old, has had the normal rounds of weight checks and well visits with the pediatrician, with extra trips for bloody spitup, stool sample drop-offs, and bloodwork added in (reflux was the apparent culprit, and is under much better control now thankfully). And P1 has her own schedule of visiting therapists and outpatient PT and hopefully soon outpatient Speech Therapy. And we are trying to get back with our much loved and awesomely wonderful weekly playgroup who we haven't seen since before P2's arrival - it's probably been about 12 weeks now - oh my, she needs to see her friends for a playdate now! All of this is certainly keeping me on my toes.

Oh and wait, I have things for me too ... well not much, but that's how it is as a mom right, not much is for you really, right? Trying to get back in to the swing with my home-based party biz means I need to go away overnight this weekend for a training conference, and yes help for hubby has been arranged to limit the double teaming by the Princesses resulting in complete anarchy (yes, by the 2 princesses that under 2). And I also have to figure out how to arrange some time when I can market myself and network better to actually build my biz up. Oh and the actual business part of it too, where I sell stuff and make money - yeah, that has to be arranged into our schedules too.

Did I mention that my wonderful little princesses got me a gift card for Christmas to get an hour massage and a haircut? When the heck am I supposed to schedule that in to the madness? That massage is definitely calling my name right now too. Thankfully the gift came with childcare already arranged - that was the part of the gift from my wonderful hubby - he will be watching them for me. I'm thinking I should call and confirm a date for that now, before something else takes over my time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting Somewhere

This is it. I am officially entering the world of blogging.
Woo Hoo for me!

I have so many thoughts and directions to go with this blogging thing ... which is why I am actually doing it. With two little princesses under 2 years old under my feet, I need another thing on my plate like I need another diaper bag or stroller to add to my collection (and for the record, those totals are already 6 and 4 respectively - for only 2 kids!). But here I am typing away. I am hoping that all of this typing will actually help me organize my thoughts. I have so many things I want to do and dream to do, and such a wonderful and loving and super supportive husband by my side who never tells me no, that sometimes its hard to know where to draw the line.

Just a sampling of the hopes and dreams and wishes and to-do's list ...
go back to school for occupational therapy, write a book about this crazy life my kids lead, learn sign language (more than the few baby-signs we use around here already), build my at-home business, travel the country, buy a shore house, jump out of a plane, have another kid maybe, become better organized, get the hubby back in school for his masters degree, and of course be the bestest mommy in the world ............
All while maintaining the house, making sure dinner is on the table every night, and that we all have clean underwear every day (having 2 in diapers makes that last one a bit easier than the first two).

And now back to my regularly scheduled program ... P2 is wiggling away next to me on the couch, and it sounds as if P1 is waking from naptime, the dryer just buzzed with more clothes to fold, and dinner ... hmmm, what's for dinner?