Thursday, December 8, 2011


Ever feel like you just keep going in circles? 
That would be my daily life.

Bugger is still sick.  Thank you preschool classmates!  She's well over a month now with cold symptoms.  Add to it a confirmed ear infection and we finally score some antibiotics!  While I understand a cold is viral and not treatable with antibiotics, I still hope the meds will help at least a little to kill the germs.
Then this week, she just felt the need to keep her momma on her toes, and showed up with a full torso rash.
"Awesome!" I say Tuesday night as I undress her for her bath.
She looks like she has sunburn covering her back, chest and abdomen.
Call the ped.  Probably a reaction to the antibiotic, and it can wait til the morning to be checked since it is not affecting her breathing.
Morning comes, and off to the ped.  Nope not a reaction to the antibiotic.  Looks like contact irritation, but we can't pinpoint anything different that has rubbed her torso.
Second ped comes in to consult ... and they go out of the room to discuss.
The answer ... "we have no idea", but there is definitely petechiae, so ... off to the hospital to get bloodwork stat.  In the recent months I have learned how children with Downs have a higher risk of ALL and AML leukemias, so there went my worst-case-scenario thought process.
Thankfully, all of Bugger's bloodwork came back normal!  Woo Hoo!
Still don't know what caused the rash, but at least we know its not that worst-case-scenario.  Treating with Benadryl for now, which was quite interesting last night watching her cope with the woozy and sleepy feeling of the Benadryl.
On the plus, she is still up and wanting to walk EVERYwhere.  I love it.  It was especially fun on her first visit to the dentist and she wanted to walk in every single exam room and office on our way out.

Zilla is really looking up to her big sister and wanting to copy everything she does.  Yup, Zilla is sniffling away with her own cold symptoms that her big sis shared with her.  AND she is toddling around the house like she owns the place ... mostly to follow her big sis wherever she goes.  Just hoping and praying that she doesn't decide that a body rash is the new "cool thing to do"!

And you guessed it, the one who spends her day wiping noses, has caught it too.  At this point I have had a cold, then laryngitis, and I think now I am on to the sinus infection.  Antibiotics are at the drug store just waiting to be picked up.  Oh how I love me some antibiotics!

So the holiday hecticness is in full swing.  Lots of things to accomplish over the next couple of weeks, and all of the sick germs in this house are really cramping getting it all done.  Right now I am mostly worrying about the red noses and faces of the two littles for their Christmas pics this weekend, oh and the bruise on Bugger's face from falling on the playground. Oh the joys!

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