Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Want to know what a double ear infection that looks the same after 2 weeks of antibiotics gets you?  A trip to the ENT that's what!  Woo Hoo!

When Bugger was just a few months old, we saw an ENT for an initial evaluation.  The result was, "Yes, like most children with Down Syndrome, she has tiny ear canals, and they are flatter due to the lower locatation of her ears which MAY result in poor drainage and ear infections down the line."  And was followed by "I don't need to see her regularly unless she has chronic ear infections". 

So, now at almost 3 years old, Bugger has not been back to the ENT.

Now she had an ear infection at the beginning of December which she got antibiotics for.

Then about 2 weeks ago when we were back at the pediatrician's office, she had ear infections in each ear.  More antibiotics.

Thought she was doing better until yesterday.  Yesterday brought a 6 hour nap, and barely any eating or drinking.  This morning she was very clingy and laying around, and wanted nothing to to do with her best playmate, Zilla.

Back to the peds ...

Tonsillitis - most likely viral, which is probably the cause for the minimal eating and drinking, and which in turn is probably leading to some mild dehydration (and her listlessness).  Need to get fluids (pedialyte) in to her however possible to avoid an ER trip for IV fluids ... stop at grocery stor on the way home.
Then the ped checks her ears .... "ummm, they still look horribly red and inflamed and painful".  And yes, she has been on antibiotics for 2 stinkin weeks already! Told to call the ENT when we get home, and if we need to wait longer than 6 weeks, call back to the peds office and they will see if they can help us get a sooner appointment.

Called the ENT once we got home and ate and filled up on fluids ... booked through March! The nice receptionist said she could leave a message for the nurse to call me if I wanted to talk to her about wha tis going on - Yes! Please!
Nurse calls, and she is sweet as pie!  Tell her the back story ... Bugger has had double ear infection for 2 weeks, and 1 ear possibly for over a month, not knowing if it ever cleared in the first place, add in she has Down Syndrome which adds to the complications, and add in that she is starting Preschool in Feb, so this is just swell timing ... then I tell her I would see any of the docs in the practice to get in sooner.
End result ... was able to get Bugger in for a consultation appointment next week!  I have to drive about 30 minutes further than I was expecting, but I figure that's a more than fair trade for not waiting 2 months to be seen.

And yes, this is while we are doing the EI to Preschool evaluation process.  Today's evaluation has been rescheduled, but now we have all 3 in the next 2 days - awesome!

Off to a fundraiser meeting tonight.  Did I mention Bugger is going to be a runway model in her first fashion show in April?  We are so excited! 

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